Browser Compatibility: Browsers, Resolution, Colours
This site is designed and tested for Netscape Navigator 4.0+ and Internet Explorer 4.0+ for a resolution of 800x600 pixels, 16 bit colour. If you have a 640x480 screen it should still render well, but I haven't tested it. If you only have 256 colours the photos will look bad but everything else will be Ok. But again I haven't tested it.
We try to optimize for download speed (download as fast as possible) and therefore compromize on the quality of some of our photos. The whole site is straight HTML for cross-platform compatability. Java and Flash are not used.
Web Conventions: Using Usability Conventions is a good thing
Web conventions used in this site include:
- Standard Link Colours: Blue underline for unvisited links and purple underline for visited links
- White Background: Aides readability and maximizes contrast
- Back to Home Page: The top left corner and a link at the bottom links back to the main Home Page
- Page Title: All web pages have the site name and a descriptive title
- Each web page is identified as from the Toronto Unicycle web site and has a title
- Standardized Titles, Sub-Titles: All page titles, section titles and section sub-titles are consistent in font, size and colour throughout the site. A cascading style sheet is used, which should render well on all 4.0+ browsers. Older browsers will not be able to take advantage of this feature, so the site will look sub-optimal.
- The site is meta-tagged throughout, allowing search engines to index the site properly
- All Photos Optimized for Download: All photos and some complex graphics are saved in .jpg format and degraded to a reasonably acceptable level. This makes the graphic as small as possible for the fastest download.
- Photo Mouseover Help: Most photos have a description when you mouse over it. Although this help will not be visible when the page is printed, it does reduce the clutter on the page.
- Link Help: Each link has a title description, so that if the browser supports it the user can read a summary of the page before they click it.
- Anti-spam links have been added so that a spam-bot cannot crawl the site for e-mail addresses. If you're a spam-bot be prepared to do lots of unnecessary and exhausting crawling and then eventually die.
Found a Bug?: Please tell Us
If you experience any technical difficulties with this site please contact Don Tai on e-mail at TorontoUnicyclists@Canada.com.
Search Engines that List us
- google 01/Feb/3 01/Nov/09
- yahoo using google 01/Feb 3 01/Nov/09
- alltheweb 01/Feb/3 01/Nov/09
- lycos 01/Feb/3 01/Nov/09
- northernlight 01/Feb/3 01/Nov/09
- searchhound 00/11/25 01/Feb/3 01/Nov/09
- Jayde 01/Feb/3 01/Nov/09
- whatuseek 00/11/25 01/Feb/3 01/Nov/09
- excite 01/Nov/09
- webcrawler-excite 01/Nov/09
- altavista 01/Nov/09
- looksmart 01/Nov/09
- infoseek-go.com 01/Nov/09
- canada.com using go2net 01/Nov/09
- hotbot-dmoz 01/Nov/09
- askjeeves-dmoz from looksmart 01/Nov/09
Search Engines that Suck
- directhit 00/11/25 no
- Oingo-dmoz