Weekend Outing: Weston Santa Claus Parade
Sunday November 25, 2001

All riders should be at the Liquidation World parking lot (formerly Knob Hill Farms) at Weston Road and Oak at 1:00pm. We'll be distributing hats and vests to club members for the ride. At 1:30pm we'll ride south to the start of the parade at Weston Road and Coulter. Because we're usually at the beginning of the parade if you're late you'll be in a bit of trouble. If you're late don't expect to get a red vest and hat. The parade starts at 2:00pm sharp

Where to Meet
To get there take the Highway 401 to Weston Road in the West end of Toronto. Go south on Weston Road to Oak Street (2 blocks) and turn left (East). Park at the Liquidation World (formerly Knob Hill Farms) parking lot at Weston Road and Oak Street. We'll meet here. This parking lot is 3 blocks north of the parade start. Look for Uni-friends. Weston Road will be blocked off, so cars will not be permitted thorough.

The Parade Route
The parade will start at Weston Road and Coulter, proceed straight down Weston Road and end at Weston Road and Denison Ave. The route about 1.8 km and is not very long. It should take about 45 minutes to complete, with lots of stops.

What to Wear
It'll be cold, so plan on dressing in lots of layers. Check Toronto Weather the day before. We're planning on dressing like this:

  • Santa Claus hats: red cone shaped hats with white trim. Provided by Darren
  • Black top: You provide
  • Red Vest: Red V-neck with white trim on bottom. There will be grommets on both sides for expansion and adaptability for all riders. Both sides will be held together with white shoelaces. Material to be paid for by the club. From Dave Cripps.
  • Black Belt: You provide
  • Black pants: You provide
  • Black shoes: You provide
  • How do we decorate our unis?
  Weston Santa Claus Parade: Where to Park, Parade Route
Weston Santa Claus Parade: Detailed Parade Route

Who can Ride?
We welcome all skill levels of unicyclists be they Toronto Unicyclist club members or not. You need to be able to:

  1. Get up on your uni all by yourself (freemount)
  2. Ride straight, or at least somewhat straight
  3. Ride for 1.8 km at a very easy pace with frequent stops
  4. Be able to smile, wave to kids and ride at the same time

Stuff to Remember

  • Carry a hand/foot pump in a car
  • Who will take pictures?

Parade Demonstrations
We're not sure but here are some options. We need to discuss and practice these routines on Thursday and possibly this Sunday. Check out these parade advice

  • Two lines will follow the flag bearers (they will be walkers), idling beside the flag bearers, flag bearers stop, 2 lines of follow the leader: Walk the wheelers at the end.
  • Follow the Leader: We designate one person as the leader and we snake down the road.
  • Form a Circle: Once we're in a line we can circle back, possibly with the flag bearers in the middle
  • Break and do your own thing: This is what we usually do. Meet the crowd, and wow them with your tricks.
  • How do we form a line order quickly? Smallest to Tallest?
  • Will someone juggle?

Toronto Unicyclists