Here are the relevant parts of the Highway Traffic Act for Ontario, Canada*. Sidewalks seem to be regulated on a city basis. Here's a link from the City of Toronto banning bikes on sidewalks with wheel diameters larger than 24". Here's another link stating the same and citing Metropolitan By-law 32-92 for Toronto but I cannot find the by-law on the web.
Relevant Definitions
59.5. Any police officer or any officer appointed for carrying out the provisions of this Part may enter into any place where unicycles are stored or dealt in, or into any garage, repair shop, used car lot or premises used for the wrecking or dismantling of vehicles, and make the investigation and inspection that he or she thinks proper for the purposes of this Part. 60.1 Anyone who buys, sells, wrecks or otherwise deals in second-hand unicycles shall keep a complete record of all unicycles bought, sold or wrecked and of the information that will enable the unicycles to be readily identified. 60.2 No person shall buy, sell, wreck or otherwise deal with any unicycle that has a gross weight exceeding 1,360 kilograms (That's 2,992 lbs) where the manufacturer's identification number or similar identifying mark has been obliterated or defaced or is not readily recognizable. 62.17. When on a highway at any time from one-half hour before sunset to one-half hour after sunrise and at any other time when, due to insufficient light or unfavourable atmospheric conditions, persons and vehicles on the highway are not clearly discernible at a distance of 150 metres or less, every unicycle shall carry on the front thereof a lighted lamp displaying a white or amber light and on the rear thereof a lighted lamp displaying a red light or a reflector approved by the Ministry, and in addition there shall be placed on the front forks thereof white reflective material, and on the rear thereof red reflective material covering a surface of not less than 250 millimetres in length and 25 millimetres in width. 64.3 If you ride your unicycle on the highway you are exempt from this law: "No person shall ride a bicycle on a highway unless it is equipped with at least one brake system acting on the rear wheel that will enable the rider to make the braked wheel skid on dry, level and clean pavement." 64.6 A unicycle is exempt from having additional brakes 75.5 Every unicycle shall be equipped with an alarm bell, gong or horn, which shall be kept in good working order and sounded whenever it is reasonably necessary to notify pedestrians or others of its approach. 76.2 A unicycle is not considered a slow moving vehicle 104.2.1 No person shall ride on or operate a unicycle on a highway unless the person is wearing a uicycle helmet that complies with the regulations and the chin strap of the helmet is securely fastened under the chin. 104.2.2 No parent or guardian of a person under sixteen years of age shall authorize or knowingly permit that person to ride on or operate a unicycle on a highway unless the person is wearing a bicycle helmet as required by subsection (2.1) 140.6 No person shall ride a unicycle across a roadway within a pedestrian crossover. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 140. 142.5 Despite clause (4) (b), a person on a unicycle may indicate the intention to turn to the right by extending the right hand and arm horizontally and beyond the right side of the unicycle. 144.29 No person shall ride a unicycle across a roadway within or along a crosswalk at an intersection or at a location other than an intersection which location is controlled by a traffic control signal system. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 144 (29). 148.4 Every person in charge of a vehicle on a highway meeting a person travelling on a unicycle shall allow the cyclist sufficient room on the roadway to pass. 148.6 Every person on a unicycle who is overtaken by a vehicle or equestrian travelling at a greater speed shall turn out to the right and allow the vehicle or equestrian to pass and the vehicle or equestrian overtaking shall turn out to the left so far as may be necessary to avoid a collision. 160 No driver of a vehicle or street car shall permit any person riding upon a unicycle, coaster, roller skates, skis, toboggan, sled or toy vehicle to attach the same, himself or herself to the vehicle or street car. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 160. 166.1 Where a person in charge of a vehicle or on a unicycle or on horseback or leading a horse on a highway overtakes a street car or a car of an electric railway, operated in or near the centre of the roadway, which is stationary for the purpose of taking on or discharging passengers, he or she shall not pass the car or approach nearer than 2 metres measured back from the rear or front entrance or exit, as the case may be, of the car on the side on which passengers are getting on or off until the passengers have got on or got safely to the side of the street, as the case may be, but this subsection does not apply where a safety zone has been set aside and designated by a by-law passed under paragraph 130 of section 210 of the Municipal Act. 166.2 No person in charge of a vehicle or on a unicycle or on horseback or leading a horse, overtaking a street car or the car of an electric railway, operated in or near the centre of the roadway, which is stationary or in motion, shall pass on the left side of the car, having reference to the direction in which the car is travelling, but this subsection does not apply to a vehicle belonging to a municipal fire department while proceeding to a fire or answering a fire alarm call or where the street car or car of an electric railway is being operated on a highway designated for the use of one-way traffic. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 166. 178.1 A person riding upon a unicycle, a coaster, roller skates, skis, a toboggan, a sled or a toy vehicle shall not attach it, them, himself or herself to a vehicle or street car on a roadway. 178.2 No person riding on a unicycle designed for carrying one person only shall carry any other person thereon. 179.1 Where sidewalks are not provided on a highway, a pedestrian walking along the highway shall walk on the left side thereof facing oncoming traffic and, when walking along the roadway, shall walk as close to the left edge thereof as possible. 179.2 Subsection (1) does not apply to a pedestrian walking a unicycle in circumstances where crossing to the left side of the highway would be unsafe. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 179. 185.2 The council of a municipality may by by-law prohibit pedestrians or the use of unicycles, wheelchairs or animals on any highway or portion of a highway under its jurisdiction. 218.1 A police officer who finds any person contravening this Act or any municipal by-law regulating traffic while in charge of a unicycle may require that person to stop and to provide identification of himself or herself. *This page is provided for informational purposes only. Do not take this page as legal council. Always consult a lawyer for your particular situation. |   |